From 2016. The interior, brightened and with sepia via Snapseed.
Category: Architecture
Self-portrait in the Galerie des Glaces
At the château de Versailles.
Louvre Pyramid
Winged Victory
Panthéon in twilight
As Henri Cartier-Bresson said, “Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.” This one’s all about the tones. From the window of our apartment on Place Maubert.
The inside of Notre Dame
Panthéon et Piano
Carving in the Stephansdom
San Vitale altar and colonnade
With the Byzantine mosaics of Empress Theodora visible. My point here wasn’t so much to show those mosaics — images of them are widely available — as to show their setting.
Ceiling of the Dome
…of the Basilica of San Vitale. In Ravenna.
At the base of the Campanile. San Marco Square, Venexia.
Piazza San Marco
Guidecca experiment
An experiment in Lightroom. Guidecca, from San Giorgio Maggiore. I like the almost charcoal drawing quality.
Guidecca canal
From the campanile of San Giorgio Maggiore.
“Mist” — an installation at San Giorgio Maggiore by Jaume Plensa for the Biennale.
Palazzo Ducale drapes
Iron Halos
In Bruges.
Church in the fields
In France, from the train.
National Museum of Ireland
In the Archaeology building, at Kildare St.
The Radiator Building
The Lion in Winter
Midtown Manhatthan
Taken from the Empire State Building.
Grand Central clock
Chrysler building sign
For the Lexington Avenue exit.
Suzzallo globe
In the Suzzallo Library of the University of Washington.
Seattle Public Library
Walrus at the Arctic Club
Art Deco detailing in Pioneer Square
115 S Jackson St, Seattle.
Central Washington University

The wind was blowing very strongly.
The Central train station in Stockholm. So, the crossroads of a country.
At the Oakland Musum of California.
Colorado St bridge
Bridges Hall of Music
At Pomona College. This picture is unusual in that everything other than the scan was done by hand — the assessment of light (ie, no meter), the developing in the darkroom.
St Matthew’s
St Matthew’s Episcopal church, designed by Charles Moore. In Pacific Palisades, California.
The Atomic Cafe
As it was in Los Angeles, circa 1988. The corner of 1st Street and Alameda Street in Little Tokyo.