From 2016. The interior, brightened and with sepia via Snapseed.
Category: Black & White
2018 MS Art Show
I had three photos in the MS Art Show at Seattle Center.
The two people in the back are looking at my photos. The fellow in front stepped into a convenient column of light.
Paella in Edison
This is Knut Christiansen. He owns Paellaworks, who provided the fine paella at Slough Food.
Black and white over the slough, from our picnic table. The slough is tidal, and this was clearly high tide.
Edison’s most famous son. The mural is based on a photo of Edward R. Murrow when he played basketball for the local high school.
Tweets, a local cafe. A fine place for breakfast.
This is Jesse. He noticed my camera on my table, complimented it, and we got to talking.
He’s currently busing tables at Maggie’s on Meeker, in Kent, but he’s a photographer himself. Family obligations have cut into that recently, though. He likes to shoot concerts — as I’ve been known to do. He’s also a graphic designer.
Nice, friendly guy.
Pastries in the Sunlight
At the Wandering Goose.
Peter Turnley
Peter Turnley gave a presentation, sponsored by Leica, at Kenmore Camera. I got there early, and was lucky enough to bump into Peter in the shop beforehand, and get about ten minutes of one-on-one conversation. I thanked him for his generosity in showing me a previously unpublished picture of Boris Yeltsin via Facebook a year or two ago. Perhaps one of these days I’ll make the time and have the money available for one of his workshops.
One of the things I’ll take away from his presentation was his analogy of photography to sports, and how you have to work out every day. You have to be the person who wants the ball in the clutch. You have to be familiar enough with your equipment that when the opportunity strikes, it’s almost irrelevant — you’re not fiddling, you’re shooting.
Another point was how human beings have developed a finely attuned sense of looking at someone, and knowing whether they’re uncomfortable or not — and we interpret discomfort as threatening (at least potentially). So always be warm, be happy, be comfortable in your skin. And the thing was, throughout the evening, he was all of those things, making it very easy to visualize him that way in the field.
A fine night.
Eclipse watcher
A very friendly watcher of the eclipse, part of our crowd in Hebo, Oregon. She’d come from Salt Lake City. I didn’t get her name, which I now regret. This is about 15 minutes after totality, and I just liked the way the light was falling on her, and she was kind enough to say Yes when I asked to take her picture.
Note how the streetlights have come on.
Setting up for the show
Ms. Gottesman
A high school classmate of mine, as she hosted a gathering of our class. I was sitting in the shade; she in the bright sun. I lent her my hat, so she could be more comfortable. (NB: My high school class had only 15 people. Not all of us were there, but the point is, it doesn’t take much space for us to get together.)
Musée Rodin Trio
Rôtisseur in Place Maubert
Self-portrait in the Galerie des Glaces
At the château de Versailles.
Old Friends
Drawing at the Louvre
Louvre Pyramid
Winged Victory onlooker
In photography, as in English pantomime, one piece of advice is, “Look behind you!” So here’s a photo of an onlooker to the Winged Victory at the Louvre.
Panthéon in twilight
As Henri Cartier-Bresson said, “Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.” This one’s all about the tones. From the window of our apartment on Place Maubert.
Print Seller

One of the 250 Bouquinistes lining the Seine, selling 300,000 books and prints. Just above him, you can see a small clip of Notre-Dame.
When I kiss you, it all becomes a blur
A couple kissing in the plaza in front of Notre Dame, after the floodlights were turned off.
La Fumeuse de Notre Dame
The inside of Notre Dame
Meat stall in Place Maubert
Old couple in Place Maubert
Panthéon et Piano
Father and son
At the Hangar Cafe.
Guidecca experiment
An experiment in Lightroom. Guidecca, from San Giorgio Maggiore. I like the almost charcoal drawing quality.
Mother and daughter
At the Campo dei Gesuiti, Venexia.
The Radiator Building
At the Oakland Musum of California.
Blue moon
A literal blue moon — the second full moon of a calendar month. This was taken from a parking lot located where Sunset Blvd empties out onto Pacific Coast Highway. (I would call it Pacific Palisades, but it’s in the city limits of Los Angeles.)

Bridges Hall of Music
At Pomona College. This picture is unusual in that everything other than the scan was done by hand — the assessment of light (ie, no meter), the developing in the darkroom.
Anthony Perkins
Taken at a campaign rally in UCLA’s Pauley Pavilion, the night before the US presidential election of 1988 (Mon, 7 Nov 1988).